Real-time Environments for Virtual Production and Digital Twins
Digital Twins and Environments
Minmud have extensive experience creating real-time experiences for many uses including Virtual Production with LED Volumes, on set using projection screens, and as digital twins for visualising large-scale unrealised projects
Virtual Production
Minmud are content creation experts, working with ARRI Cameras and Creative Technology creating Unreal Engine environments for use on the ARRI Stage, the state-of-the-art virtual production stage in London.
Content: Minmud | Location: ARRI London | Equipment: Creative Technology | Director: Robert Payton
Real-time live action film-making.
Asahi Super dry - Discovery is calling
Real-time environments projected into practical sets, on location and in sound stage film shoots for TV and marketing.
Real-time environments for use in an LED Volume
Virtual Production LED Volume
Minmud are pioneers of the newest technology, creating real-time environments for filming in LED volumes.
Real-time environments for architecture, real estate and the built environment
Digital Twins
A digital twin is a real-time, 3D representation of a project that evolves with live data. It can simulate both existing and unrealised developments, providing
first-person views or camera perspectives for films. Minmud uses the latest technology to create immersive environments from the latest data available.
On-location shoots, green screen, live action, camera tracking, full CG, particle effects, VFX, rendering, compositing, editing, and grading.
Realtime-rendered environments for Virtual Production, LED walls, projection, virtual reality and broadcast.
Immersive CG environments rendered realtime or offline for images, film, realtime, and VR.
Stunning images for marketing and competitions, Minmud has 20 years’ experience visualising the built environment.